3 easy homemade face masks

 Do you also spend too much money and time at your local spa to get a bright and beautiful face? Not any more. Here are a few diy face masks for different skin types, consisting of ingredients right from your kitchen which are not only easily available but gentle on your skin as well. So what are you waiting for? Just grab the materials and get ready !!!!!!!


●Mash half of a ripe banana 
●Add coconut oil
●Apply on your face and leave for 15-20 minutes
● Wash with water

Banana nourishes your skin and coconut oil helps to hydrate your skin and keep it acne free. This mask helps to relieve flaky skin and brighten up your dull skin.

image source: Naturally beauty care


●Take two tablespoons of yogurt in a bowl
●Add two tablespoons of lemon juice and blend
●Apply it on your face and leave for 5-10 minutes
●Rinse with warm water

Lemon consist of citric acid which helps to control secretion of oil. Use this mask once a week to get oil free skin.


●Soak some almonds overnight and make a paste
●Add one table spoon of grounded oats
●Add one tbsp of rose water and mix  
●Apply it on your face and leave for 20 minutes
●Rinse it off

Almonds soothes your skin and makes it glow while oats exfoliates your skin and locks in the moisture. Rose water helps to calm skin redness. This face mask removes excess oils from your face and removes dryness.


Image source: google.com
WARNING: Always do test any natural ingredient on small part of your skin on hand or consult your                         doctor before using it on face.


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